ASEI ISEC project updates

We completed dissemination of the ISECs and did a feedback survey.
Summary of results;
-100% of the users expressed interest in purchasing the ISEC
-100% of the users generally preferred cooking rice with the ISEC followed by matooke at 75% and groundnuts at 75%.
-Average ISEC cooking usage was 3.75 times per week with a standard deviation at 0.95743
-Peak cooking times 12-1pm

-On average foods that took the longest time to cook include sweet potatoes which took the longest cooking time with a mean cook time of 3 hours using the ISEC, beans took 2.5 hours which was 30minutes less than sweet potatoes. Matooke took 2.25hours on average (SD ±0.2887), rice 2.333hours (SD ±0.2887), eggs 2hours and groundnuts 2hours.
Foods that took the lowest time to cook include greens (leafy vegetables) with an average cook time of 1.25hours (SD ±0.5),and water 1.875hours (SD ±0.6292).

Here are some of the field pictures!

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