User Feedback from Kumasi

A friend in Ksi used my ISEC to warm her food and this is the response she gave.

Hi Emmanuel,
Congrats !
do you easily find blankets in Ghana ? Here in Yaounde Cameroon, I instead use wool for insulating my ISEC and they cook fine .

Hello Bidjanga,

Blankets are easily accessible here, but then wool is good as well, I’ve ISECs with wool as insulation.

Ok Emmanuel,Thanks you.
I have another issue : an NGO executive wishes we find a solution to make the ISEC available anytime,no matter the weather,for cooking.Which efficient solar energy storage method can you suggest ? Thermal storage or Gel battery storage ?

You’re welcome
As at now I’m using erythritol as thermal storage and also trying to inculcate the use of laptop chargers so users can have another source of power supply.
I think batteries might make production cost increase.
Hopefully as we move along and continue experimenting, we would get to discover new power sources for the ISEC.

Best Regards

Ok Emmanuel,
Is it easy to get that erythritol ?