August 11, 2022 SuperGroup meeting

SG Aug 11, 2022, 10 AM California Time

Salma is building network of local entrepreneurs.
RVB is buying 20 ISECs from ASEI. Pete may bring them from Uganda through Tanzania to Malawi by bus… 20 hours by bus in Uganda and 3 days travel through Malawi.

RVB plans to visit Salma end of October or beginning of November with the Electric Pressure Cookers (EPCs) and solar water pumps and plans to contact women’s groups to see the Malawi women group business models can work in Togo. They may be joined by a women’s group representative from Ghana.

Martin virtually met with Bismark and Emmanuel as they transfer knowledge and hardware. Rismah explained that AEC (Africk’Energy Connect) is focused on electrification and Bismark (SolCook) is focused on clean cooking, but they are working together.

We need new names. ISEC stands for too many things including the “International Space Elevator Consortium”… And SolCook is a domain name owned by the All Season Solar Cooker. It seems we should take ISECook as the new name for our technology and domain name. Should SolCook’s new name be “ISECook, Ghana”? We also need a new Logo… A group of students in one of the appropriate technology classes working with Bidjanga designed a logo… but I think we can do better?:

I like the dynamic in our ISEC community…