Bidjanga, 06/30/2022 update



Last thursday, Our ISEC Cameroon delegation travelled to Mfou, a small rural city located at 85 kms awa from Yaounde, our headquartersThe purpose of the trip was to search for new schools to join our ISEC Educational Program.We met 6 headmasters of primary schools and one principal of a secondary school.; we received the promise from them that their students will join our ISEC Training courses as from november 2022.We are going to propose a detailed training time table to them and the said ISEC will be delivered on their sites.
Jean Yves Biloa ( one member of ISEC Cameroon ) has invited many prospects on our workshop to introduce our ISEC activities ; the invitees were accompanied by the Yaounde 1 University TV team ; all went well they promised to spread our ISEC information over many other prospects in Yaounde ; the question of having a permanent source of green energy, to cook food , no matter the weather, was raised by some of these invitees ; we toild them we are experiencing and testing an ISEC kit that will be powered by lithium battery connected to an MPPT charge controller and solar panels.

As from 2023, ISEC Cameroon will offer an ISEC kit comprising the following services
: -green cooking
-phone charging
-laptop charging
This way, we hope to get more customers for us and our regional partners.
In Cameroon, people live in the darkness , even in urban areas, as they have no information about solar energyh ; why not help them filling the gap of regular energy shortage by offering an ISEC kit with more than the green cooking service ?

Best Regards !

Bidjanga Biloa
ISEC Cameroon Coordinator
ISEC Technology Academy
Tel +237 670708729
Yaounde Cameroon
email :

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Bidjanga, this is all very exciting. Thank you and congratulations. Please tell me: what is the participation of the primary school students. I think these kids are only about 10 years old? Are they going to be building ISECs? I’m curious how this will work, and I look forward to learning more with you.


Hi Pete,
the primary school students will just have a discovery course on how to install, connect and cook with the ISECs ; they will also discover how the solar energy lighting system works ( solar panels connected to charge controller , battery and led lights ) ; it’s important to initiate them to the solar energy system at that stage of their studies.
In the future , we at ISEC Cameroon, plan to propose the solar nergy and ISEC Technology should be taught in local secondary schools and universities of Cameroon.