Bidjanga 10 / 21 / 2021 update

We’ve continued this week with new ISECs design , while waiting to complete them as the supplies ordered from abroad , are awaited ; we recently received the USB charging sockets( after a 15 days delivery by DHL ) ; we are expecting thermal protectors ; and Kanthal D heating wires ( Mr Raphael will supply us the said Kanthal D wires , very soon ).

We are designing a short video report of 6 minutes duration, with narration in french language and sub-titles in English language, to target our prospects in Cameroon and sub regon ; the said video report ( in MP4 format ) will be uplaoed onto our Youtube Channel and facebook page, later this evening.
The same video report will be used for contacts with the local NGO’s such as :
-MTN Foundation

  • GIZ ( a local branch of a german NGO )
    -UNDP ( local branch )
    -Clean Air Africa ( local branch )
    We’ve contacted the communication officver of Clean Air Africa ( Cameroon team ) , last friday and he promised to report very soon to our ISEC workshop and request a demo . In February 2021, they’ve invited me in a seminar wher they were discussing about “cooking fuel pollution” and my presentation was to demosntrate it was possible to cook with AC and DC ( please, watch the said seminar’s TV report by the nationwide TV here : CRTV documentary - CLEAN-Air(Africa) clean cooking Public and Stakeholder Engagement event, Cameroon - YouTube ) .

last week , we had four days of sunlight with an average of 1 to 2 hours per day ; this is due to the current rainy season in Cameroon.

Best Regards
Bidjanga Biloa
ISEC Cameroon Team Coordinator
Sunrise ISEC Technology
Tel / Whatsapp : +237 670708728 Yaounde Cameroon


Great. You have a FaceBook page? Please publicize this information. Are you a member of the Solar Cooking World Network on FaceBook?:

Yes Pete.
I’m a member of that Solar Cookers group on facebook ; but i wish to get a dedicated facebook page on SUNRISE ISEC Technology.Will send you the link.