Our 4th ISEC Training,Outdoors session
This March 12,2022, we’ve completed our 4th ISEC training session with the below :
The learners wanted to understanding the measurement system of the heat coming from the ISEC burner, using an infrared thermometer ; they also tested the insulation of the ISEC by the means of a wool bag .
Ernest wanted to knoiw why there was a variation of voltage from the DC meter and USB charger fixed on gthe ISEC kit ; Maguy asked why the heat fromtghe ISEC burner was low , after connecting the ISEC kit to the solar panel.
Geovani asked wether it was possible to use the same solar panels for ISEC cooking and for ISEC cooking and light tonight.
We’ve answered to all those questions ; and after the demonstrations, we’ve scheduled our 5th ISEC training session, next saturday, march 19,2022.

Best Regards

Bidjanga Biloa
ISEC Cameroon Program Coordinator
ISEC Technology Academy
Tel +237 670708729 Yaounde Cameroon