Purchasing parts solely

Purchasing parts solely doesn’t not make our ISEC affordable.
Mainly the purchase depends on the quantity but the sole purchase quantities is not enough to get low marginal price.
Transportation cost is too expensive.
If ISEC design and construction Items have been fixed for long term, it will be better to order large quantity to lowdown marginal price.

Yes exactly.

Last week I received transportation estimate from supplier. Its way too high! Yet to receive estimate from Prasadji’s company. It is likely to be high.
We might need to increase the required quantity. What are your thoughts on this? Please comment below.

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I think we have to do so,
But wish quantity will be enough?

A standard container quantity would do I think. Need further research. Another question is would you need that much?

The ISEC building is going to be updated possibly without fiberglass. I would like to try perlite in the future.The container will be good for the third round funding if we still plan to use fiberglass.